Nursing home abuse is a criminal activity that should be rectified immediately. At the law firm of Olsman Mackenzie Peacock & Wallace PC in Battle Creek, we work with families across the state of Michigan to hold negligent parties responsible for their actions. Our team of experienced attorneys and nurses can recognize the signs of abuse and neglect. We make it a priority to demonstrate the damaging effects these behaviors have in order to obtain maximum compensation for our clients.
We know that placing a loved one in a nursing home is not always easy, but it is often necessary. The staff in these facilities should treat residents with the utmost care and respect. Unfortunately, our law firm has handled a number of personal injury cases in which that is not the case. We take our job to protect each victim’s rights seriously, advocating strongly for his or her best interests.
While we are aggressive in the courtroom, we are compassionate with those we represent. Our law firm offers free initial consultations, clear communication and constant support. The people we work with, through our offices in Battle Creek, Lapeer and Berkley, can expect a team of skilled litigators to be on their side through every phase of the case. To accommodate our clients, Olsman Mackenzie Peacock & Wallace PC accepts credit cards as a form of payment.