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Anoxic Birth Injuries from Medical Malpractice

Categories: Birth Injuries and Defects

If Your Child Was Diagnosed With An Anoxic Birth Injury, Call Us

Anoxic birth injuries result from oxygen loss during delivery, with severe consequences like cerebral palsy and anuria. It can lead to lasting brain damage, causing learning disabilities and seizures. Anoxic Birth Injuries from Medical Malpractice have long-term effects, hindering normal development. If your child experienced this, seek immediate medical attention and consult a personal injury lawyer at Medical Malpractice Universe about filing a claim against negligent parties.

Anoxic Birth Injuries Explaine

Anoxic brain injury, due to oxygen deprivation during birth, can lead to Cerebral palsy causes muscle spasms in the body. Cerebral palsy affects movement, speech, and breathing, hindering daily independence. It commonly accompanies epilepsy, causing seizures triggered by various factors, including fluorescent lights or routine changes. Epilepsy medication may also induce seizures. Anoxic brain injury can further cause vision impairments that impact reading and sports.

What Are The Types Of Anoxic Birth Injuries?

There are four general types of anoxic brain injuries, although it is important to note that the names sometimes overlap:

Cerebral Palsy

This condition can arise from oxygen deprivation before or after birth, commonly during prolonged labor. It affects body control and muscle coordination.

Cerebral Anoxia

A total deprivation of oxygen at any time before, during, or after birth that results in brain damage can be considered cerebral anoxia. It can cause severe cognitive impairment and other problems that require 24-hour medical care.

Anoxic Encephalopathy

This condition occurs from oxygen deprivation at birth, causing brain damage, coma, or potential fatality. Survivors may face mental, physical disabilities.

Anoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy

When the condition results in brain damage that affects only one side of the body, it is an anoxic ischemic encephalopathy. If both sides are equally impaired, it’s called anoxic bihemispheric injury. This condition can also cause coma or death.

What Are The Signs Of Anoxic Brain Injury?

This tragedy often goes undiagnosed, lacking visible signs immediately after birth. Discovery may take months or years when learning difficulties emerge.

What Causes An Anoxic Birth Injury?

It can occur when there are complications during labor and delivery, resulting in the baby being deprived of oxygen. This could be caused by:

  • Placental abruption – When the placenta separates from the uterine wall too soon after the baby has been delivered, depriving the baby of oxygen. This can happen in a matter of minutes.
  • Umbilical cord prolapse – In extremely rare cases, when the umbilical cord slips into the vagina before the baby’s head is born, depriving the baby of oxygen until it is corrected or removed from danger.
  • Cord accident – When the umbilical cord becomes wrapped around a baby’s neck, choking off oxygen for an extended period of time. In some cases, this condition can remain undetected until it is too late to help the child.
  • Improper use of forceps or vacuum extraction during delivery can result in oxygen deprivation and harm the child.
  • Delayed recognition of respiratory issues in a baby can lead to prolonged oxygen deprivation during childbirth.

In some cases, a child is deprived of oxygen before birth, usually when a mother fails to carry her child full term or has high blood pressure during pregnancy that affects the placenta and umbilical cord. Premature delivery can also cause a lack of oxygen, but it occurs after the baby is born.

If your Child Was Diagnosed with an Anoxic Brain Injury, Call A Birth Injury Layer for Help

While all birth injuries are serious, Anoxic brain injury is often one of the most debilitating types because the lack of oxygen to the brain during childbirth can lead to the child having a permanent disability. There is no way this condition can be repaired or reversed. Injuries here can mean a lifetime of disability and issues for victims and their families. If your loved one was diagnosed with an Anoxic brain injury, call one of our experienced Birth Injury lawyers by locating one here at Medical Malpractice Universe.